IntroductionInstallationLimitations of the "file" protocolFrequently asked questionsSyntax, keywords and built-in functionsStandard distributionimport implementationBrython packagesBrowser interface
Introduction - DOM API
Creating a document Accessing elements Attributes, properties and methods Events Mouse events Keyboard events Focus events Drag events Query string Interactions with Javascript Brython-specific built-in modules
browser.aio browser.ajax browser.html browser.local_storage browser.markdown browser.object_storage browser.session_storage browser.svg browser.template browser.timer browser.webcomponent browser.websocket browser.worker Widgets browser.widgets.dialog interpreter javascript Working with BrythonCookbook |
module browser.templateThe module template allows to dynamically generate some elements in a page, by including Python code blocks or expressions inside the HTML code.VariablesIn its most simple form, a template includes a variable name surrounded by braces:<span id="team">{name}</span>To replace the content of this span tag, we add the following script in the
The argument offrom browser import document from browser.template import Template Template(document["team"]).render(name="Liverpool FC") Template can be either an element or a string; in the
second case, it is the attribute id of the element. The above code can
be written in a more concise way:
The rendering engine uses Python f-strings ; if the text includes braces, they have to be written twice:Template("team").render(name="Liverpool FC") <span id="team">{name} - {{these are literal braces}}</span>The attributes of an HTML tag can also be variables: <a id="link" href="{url}">{name}</a> Instead of a variable, any valid Python expression can be used:from browser import document from browser.template import Template Template(document["link"]).render(url="", name="Brython site") <span id="tag-uppercase">{tag.upper()}</span>For the attributes that must be rendered without an associated value (for instance the attribute selected of an OPTION tag), the variable or the
result of the expression must be a boolean:<option selected="{name==expected}"> Including other templatesIf a site has several pages and we want to share some elements such as a menu, a part of the page can be put in a secondary template; it is included in the main page by the special attributeb-include .
For instance we can define the template menu.html:
<img src="logo.png"><h2>{title}</h2>and include it in the main page: <div id="menu" b-include="menu.html"></div>The included template will be rendered with the arguments passed in the main page: Template("menu").render(title="Home page") Code blocksThe special attributeb-code defines a code block : a for loop or a
condition (if , elif , else ).
<ul id="team-list"> <li b-code="for team in teams:">{team} </ul> Code blocks can be nested. For instance, the following code generates a line in a table, in which only the cells of even rank hold a content:teams = ["FC Barcelona", "Real Madrid CF", "Liverpool FC"] Template("team-list").render(teams=teams) <tr> <td b-code="for i in range(16):"> <span b-code="if i % 2 == 0:"> {1 + (i / 2)} </span> </td> </tr> Event handlersFunctions can be defined to react to events happening on an element in a template. To achieve this:
<button id="hello" b-on="click:say_hello">Hello !</button>Python code: To specify several handlers, separate them withdef say_hello(event, element): alert("Hello world") Template("hello", [say_hello]).render() ; :
<button id="hello" b-on="click:say_hello;mouseover:show">Hello !</button>The handler function takes two arguments, event (the event object, instance
of DOMEvent) and element , the Template instance.
The reference to element makes it possible to access the data associated
with the element (those passed to the render() method) inside the handler
function. These data are represented by the attribute ; the
attributes of this object are the keys of the keyword arguments passed to
render() .
So, the example above can be modified by passing the text as an argument of
render() :
When a handler function is executed, if the data associated with the element have been modified by this function, the element is rendered again with the new data. For example, to increment a counter by hitting a button:def say_hello(event, element): alert( Template("hello", [say_hello]).render(text="Hello, world !") <div id="incrementer"> <button b-on="click:incr">+1</button>{counter} </div>Python code: def incr(event, element): += 1 Template("incrementer", [incr]).render(counter=0) |