

Limitations of the "file" protocol

Frequently asked questions

Syntax, keywords and built-in functions

Standard distribution

import implementation

Brython packages

Browser interface

Introduction - DOM API
Creating a document
Accessing elements
Attributes, properties and methods

Mouse events
Keyboard events
Focus events
Drag events

Query string

Interactions with Javascript

Brython-specific built-in modules




Working with Brython

Execution options
Testing and debugging
Deploying an application


Hello world !
Insert content in an element
HTML markup (bold,italic...)
HTML table
Bind and unbind events
Handle options in a SELECT
Drag and drop
Get the content of an element
Read the content of a file
Store objects locally
Example of onmouseover

Interactions with Javascript

We have to handle the transition period when Brython is going to coexist with Javascript ;-)

An HTML document HTML can include Javascript scripts and Python scripts.

This page deals with the interactions between Python programs and Javascript programs, under two categories:

An important point is that Brython scripts are executed when the HTML has finished loading, while Javascript scripts are executed on the fly when they are loaded in the page. Consequently, Brython data cannot be used by Javascript programs until the page is completely loaded.

Using Javascript data from Brython programs

The names added by Javascript programs to the global Javascript namespace are available to Brython scripts as attributes of the object window defined in module browser.

For instance :

<script type="text/javascript">
circle = {surface: function(r){return 3.14 * r * r}}

<script type="text/python">
from browser import document, window

document['result'].value =

Javascript objects are converted into their Python equivalent in this way :

Javascript object (js_obj)Python object (window.js_obj)
DOM elementinstance of DOMNode
DOM eventinstance of DOMEvent
Collection of DOM elementslist of DOMNode instances
true, falseTrue, False
nullunchanged (1)
undefinedunchanged (1)
number (Number)instance of int or float
big integer (BigInt)instance of int
string (String)instance of str
Javascript array (Array)unchanged (2)
function (Function)unchanged (3)

(1) The value can be tested by comparing it with is to constants NULL and UNDEFINED in module javascript

(2) The items in the Javascript array are converted to Python objects with this conversion table

(3) If the object is a function, the Python arguments passed to the Python function are converted when calling the Javascript function with the reverse conversion table as above. If the argument is a Python dictionary, it is converted to a Javascript objects; the keys are converted to strings in the Javascript object.

The other Javascript objects are converted into an instance of the class JSObject defined in module javascript. They can be converted into a Python dictionary by :

py_obj = window.js_obj.to_dict()

Take care, a Javascript function can't be called with keyword arguments, this raises a TypeError exception : if the function is defined by

function foo(x, y)

and if it is called from a Brython script by, x=1)

passing the arguments in the expected order is not possible, because the Brython script doesn't know the signature of the Javascript function.

Using Javascript constructors

If a Javascript function is an object constructor, that can be called in Javascript code with the keyword new, it can be used in Brython using the new special method added by Brython to the Javascript object.

For instance :

<script type="text/javascript">
function Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1){
    this.x0 = x0
    this.y0 = y0
    this.x1 = x1
    this.y1 = y1
    this.surface = function(){return (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)}

<script type="text/python">
from browser import alert, window

rectangle = window.Rectangle
alert(, 10, 30, 30).surface())


If an error happens in a Javascript script called by a Brython script, an exception instance of class JavascriptError is triggered and can be caught by the Brython code. The Javascript error trace is printed on sys.stderr.

jQuery example

Here is a more complete example of how you can use the popular library jQuery:

<script src="//">
<script src="/src/brython.js"></script>

<script type="text/python">
from browser import window

jq = window.jQuery

# Ajax call
def onSuccess(data, status, req):

        {'foo': 56},
     'success': onSuccess

# add an option to a SELECT box
jq('#sel').append('<' + 'option>three')

# access element attributes
assert jq('#c').attr('id') == 'c'

# define a callback for a click on a button
def callback(ev):

jq('#btn').on('click', callback)

# we can even use "each" to iterate on SPAN elements
def show(i, obj):
    print(i, obj)

jq.each(jq('span'), show)


<select id="sel">
  <option value="one">one
  <option value="two">two

<span id="c"></span>

<button id="btn">click</button>


Other examples

You will find in the gallery other examples of how to use Javascript libraries (Three, Highcharts, Raphael) in Brython scripts.

Integration of a Javascript library in a Python module

Another way to integrate a library is to create a Python module than can be imported in scripts, without having to load this library in the script page.

For that, the library must be accessible through an Ajax call? It is loaded by the function load(url) of the browser module, and the names that it adds to the global Javascript namespace are exposed in the Python module.

For instance, we can create a module jquery:

from browser import window, load


# jQuery adds the name jQuery to the global Javascript namespace
# (also called $, but this is not a valid Python identifier)
jq = window.jQuery

We can then use this module in a Brython page (notice that we don't load jquery.js):

<script src="brython.js"></script>

<script type="text/python">
import jquery

jquery("#test").text("I can use jQuery here !")

<div id="test"></div>

Using Brython data from Javascript programs

By default, Brython only exposes two names in the global Javascript namespace:

brython() : function that triggers execution of the Python scripts in the page (see Execution options)

__BRYTHON__ : an object used internally by Brython to store the objects needed for scripts execution

Consequently, by default, a Javascript program cannot access Brython objects. For instance, for a function echo() defined in a Brython script to react to an event on an element in the page, instead of using the regular javascript syntax:

<button onclick="echo()">

(because the brython function echo is not accessible from Javascript), the solution is to set an id to the element:

<button id="mybutton">

and to define the link between this element and the event click by :

from browser import document
document['mybutton'].bind('click', echo)

Another option is to force the introduction of the name echo in the Javascript namespace, by defining it as an attribute of the object window in module browser :

from browser import window
window.echo = echo

NOTE: This method is not recommended, because it introduces a risk of conflict with names defined in a Javascript program or library used in the page.

Properties of object __BRYTHON__

The object __BRYTHON__ exposes attributes that can be used by Javascript programs to interact with objects defined in Python scripts in the same page.


A Javascript Promise resolved when Brython is loaded and can be used by Javascript programs

function use_brython(){
    // code here



if the Python module named module_name is imported in the page, returns the Javascript object whose properties are the names defined in the module

For the Python scripts in the page, module_name is the script identifier (attribute id of the <script> tag).

<script type="text/python" id="s1">
from browser import alert

def show_square(x):
    alert(x ** 2)

Square of <input id="num" value="2"><button id="btn">show</show>

        var v = document.getElementById('num').value

Before using a Python module it is required to make sure that it is actually loaded and executed. For that, use the "load" event on the HTML element <script type="text/python">:

<script type="text/python" debug=1 id="s1">
x = 0

var s1 = document.getElementById('s1')
s1.addEventListener('load', function(script){
  var module = __BRYTHON__.getPythonModule('s1')

__BRYTHON__.pythonToJS(src[, script_id])

converts the Python source code src into a string that holds its translation to Javascript. The result can be executed by eval() to trigger the script execution.

__BRYTHON__.runPythonSource(src[, attributes])

executes Python source code src as if it was a script with the specified attributes. If attributes is a string, it is the script id, otherwise it must be a Javascript object.

Execution options such as debug level, path for imports, etc. can be passed as attributes, for instance

var src = "import some_module"
__BRYTHON__.runPythonSource(src, {pythonpath: 'my_modules', debug: 2})

Returns the Javascript object that represents the module (also available as __BRYTHON__.getPythonModule(script_id))

<script type="text/py-disabled" id="s1">
from browser import alert

string = "script s2"
integer = 8
real = 3.14

dictionary = {'a': string, 'b': integer, 'c': real}

alert('run py-disabled')

<button id="btn">Run disabled</show>

        var script = document.getElementById('s1'),
            modobj = __BRYTHON__.runPythonSource(script.innerText, {id: 's1'})


converts a Python object into the matching Javascript object, following the above conversion table