

Limitations of the "file" protocol

Frequently asked questions

Syntax, keywords and built-in functions

Standard distribution

import implementation

Brython packages

Browser interface

Introduction - DOM API
Creating a document
Accessing elements
Attributes, properties and methods

Mouse events
Keyboard events
Focus events
Drag events

Query string

Interactions with Javascript

Brython-specific built-in modules




Working with Brython

Execution options
Testing and debugging
Deploying an application


Hello world !
Insert content in an element
HTML markup (bold,italic...)
HTML table
Bind and unbind events
Handle options in a SELECT
Drag and drop
Get the content of an element
Read the content of a file
Store objects locally
Example of onmouseover

modules browser.local_storage and browser.session_storage

This module uses the local storage defined in HTML5. The specification can be found following this link

What is HTML5 local storage ?:

  • local storage is a client-side key-value database, i.e. the data is stored in the users browser. This means the users data is saved on their machine inside their browser. This also means that the stored data is only available to them when the user is on that machine and in that browser. Remember that local storage is per browser not per computer.
  • Keys and values are strings.
  • Keys and values are stored persistently on a specific protocol, domain and port. Local storage databases are scoped to an HTML5 origin, basically the tuple (scheme, host, port, i.e. scheme://host:port). This means that the database is shared across all pages on the same domain, even concurrently by multiple browser tabs. However, a page connecting over http:// cannot see a database that was created during an https:// session.

HTML5 defines two kinds of storage, local storage and session storage ; the first one is persistent, i.e. keeps the data in the store when the user closes the browser window ; the second loses the data when the browser window is closed.

HTML5 local storage is implemented in Brython under the browser package as the following modules:

  • local_storage
    This module exposes a single object, storage, which gives acces to the local storage. You can interact with it like a dictionary, however, keep in mind that keys and values are restricted to strings.
  • session_storage
    This module also exposes the object storage, which provides access to the session storage. It is otherwise the same as above. Use session_storage when you do not wish data to be shared across browser sessions or tabs. A typical use case is a log-in token.

A simple example of local_storage is as follows:

from browser.local_storage import storage
storage['foo'] = 'bar'

Now, if you close your tab, your browser or even your computer when you open again the same browser you will have access to the values stored by the 'foo' key in the same scheme://host:port where the key-value pair was stored.

If you want to remove permanently a key-value pair you can use the following:

del storage['foo']
print(storage['foo']) # raises KeyError

The storage object mimics the interface of a dict object, and supports:

  • get
  • pop
  • keys
  • values
  • items
  • clear
  • __len__
  • __contains__
  • __iter__

Note that keys, values, and items return a list copy instead of a view.

A more complete example using local_storage, a TO-DO list app, can be found in the iframe below.