

Limitations of the "file" protocol

Frequently asked questions

Syntax, keywords and built-in functions

Standard distribution

import implementation

Brython packages

Browser interface

Introduction - DOM API
Creating a document
Accessing elements
Attributes, properties and methods

Mouse events
Keyboard events
Focus events
Drag events

Query string

Interactions with Javascript

Brython-specific built-in modules




Working with Brython

Execution options
Testing and debugging
Deploying an application


Hello world !
Insert content in an element
HTML markup (bold,italic...)
HTML table
Bind and unbind events
Handle options in a SELECT
Drag and drop
Get the content of an element
Read the content of a file
Store objects locally
Example of onmouseover

module browser.worker

The module worker is an implementation of WebWorkers for Brython.

A "worker" is a Python script that receives messages from the main script, and sends back messages in reply. The worker is executed in a different thread from the main script; even if it takes a long time to complete, the main script remains responsive and the browser doesn't freeze.

The main script and the worker communicate by messages. A message must be a "simple" Python object (string, number, list with "simple" items, dictionary with "simple" keys and values).

A worker has a restricted access to the browser features ; for instance it can't access the document currently displayed, nor modify it.

Inserting a worker script in an HTML page

A worker script is inserted in an HTML page with a specific form of the <script type="text/python"> tag:

<script type="text/python" class="webworker" id="myworker">
# instructions of the worker program

The attribute src can also be used to load the worker script:

<script type="text/python" class="webworker" id="myworker" src="">

Adding the "webworker" class specifies that the script must not be executed as an ordinary Python script, but that it is intended to be used as a worker by a main script.

The attribute id is mandatory (an AttributeError is raised otherwise) ; it is used by the main script as a reference to the worker script.

Using a worker from the main script

The main script creates a worker object with the function create_worker:

create_worker(worker_id, onready=None, onmessage=None, onerror=None)

triggers the creation of a worker object, based on the script referenced by the identifier worker_id (the attribute id of the worker script tag). The process is asynchronous

onready is the function called when the worker creation is completed. It takes a single argument, the worker object (see below)

onmessage is the function called when the main script receives a message from the worker. It takes a single argument, an event object, which has 2 main attributes : data (the message sent by the worker) and target (the worker object)

onerror is the function called if there is an error in the worker. It takes a single argument, the error message (a string)

The worker object has a method


sends a message to the worker

How a worker works

In a worker, the browser module doesn't have all the usual attributes, for instance not those that allow access to the document: for instance the document attribute or the html module are not available.

The window attribute itself is not defined; instead, an attribute self represents the worker and manages the relationship with the main script it is associated with.

This object browser.self has 2 methods:

bind(evt, function)

binds the function to the event evt. The main event is "message" : it is triggered when the main script sends a message to the worker.

The function takes a single parameter, an event object with the attribute data whose value is the value of the message sent by the main script.

Also note that instead of binding the event by the syntax

def callback(evt):

self.bind("message", callback)

you can use the function bind() in the module browser as a decorator:

from browser import bind, self

@bind(self, "message")
def callback(evt):


sends a message to the main script


The gallery provides an example of a Web Worker written with Brython.

Code of the main script:

"""Main script."""

from browser import bind, document, worker

result = document.select_one('.result')
inputs ="input")

def onmessage(e):
    """Handles the messages sent by the worker."""
    result.text =

def onready(myWorker):

    @bind(inputs, "change")
    def change(evt):
        """Called when the value in one of the input fields changes."""
        # Send a message (here a list of values) to the worker
        myWorker.send([x.value for x in inputs])

# Create a web worker, identified by a script id in this page.
worker.create_worker("worker", onready, onmessage)

Code of the worker script:

"""Web Worker script."""

# In web workers, "window" is replaced by "self".
from browser import bind, self

@bind(self, "message")
def message(evt):
    """Handle a message sent by the main script. is the message body.
        result = int([0]) * int([1])
        workerResult = f'Result: {result}'
        # Send a message to the main script.
        # In the main script, it will be handled by the function passed as the
        # argument "onmessage" of create_worker().
    except ValueError:
        self.send('Please write two numbers')

The Worker class (deprecated in version 3.12)

For backwards compatibility, the module exposes a deprecated class to create a worker in the main script


creates a worker object, based on the script referenced by the identifier worker_id (the attribute id of the worker script tag).

This version is not asynchronous.

The instances of the Worker class have 2 methods:

bind(evt, function)

binds the function to the event evt. The main event is "message" : it is triggered when the worker sends a message to the main script.

The function takes a single parameter, an event object with the attribute data whose value is the value of the message sent by the worker.

Also note that instead of binding the event by the syntax

def callback(evt):

worker.bind("message", callback)

you can use the function bind() in the module browser as a decorator:

from browser import bind

@bind(worker, "message")
def callback(evt):


sends a message to the worker